The Medicinal Products Act gives JAZMP the competence to determine the List of Indispensable Medicinal Products. Indispensable medicinal products are those that are not included on the List of Essential Medicinal Products and for which a health care provider at tertiary level or expanded expert panel for their area of responsibility substantiate of new health needs. Medicines on the List are presented by their common name, pharmaceutical form, strength as well as the method of prescribing and dispensing.
Regulation of the indispensable medicinal products policy reflects the intention of the State to provide, for the health care needs of the population of the Republic of Slovenia, all medicines that are indispensable for the implementation of health care programs, that are financed from public revenues. The principal mechanism to enable this goal is the national List of Essential Medicinal Products that is determined by the two ministers competent for medicines for human and veterinary use, respectively, published below. The List of Indispensable Medicinal Products is a complementary list to the national List of Essential Medicinal Products. It is intended to assure the dynamic response of the competent authorities to the justified needs of the health care providers as well as to the changes in the portfolio of indispensable medicinal products available on the national market that are resulting from the actions of the economic operators in the supply chain.
The proposal for the inclusion of the item on the List of Essential Medicinal Products or on the List of Indispensable Medicinal Products should be submitted in written or electronic form. The submission in the electronic form should be sent by e-mail to:Â .
The List of Essential Medicinal Products and List of Indispensable Medicinal Products: