Agency for medical products and medical devices of the Republic of Slovenia is committed to continuous improvement of its performance and has been actively participating in the Benchmarking of European Medicines Agencies (BEMA) programme since 2004. The BEMA methodology allows for the identification of best practices and improvements in the performance of the network of European Medicines Agencies. Also in 2024, JAZMP participated in the BEMA programme and achieved an improvement in its scores compared to the previous period. The average score for all indicators is increased from 3.5 to 4.1, which represents a significant improvement compared to 2018. We are particularly proud to have received the highest score (5) in the “Strategy and planning” and “Scientific decision-making” categories. Among the indicators where we improved our scores, we highlight “Contribution to the network”, “Risk management system”, “Business Continuity Planning” and “Regulatory and scientific advice«.